About John Fullerton
Senior Broker

John Fullerton is a Business Advisor and Franchise Owner of Transworld Business Advisors Omaha S, LLC and licensed Real Estate Broker-Owner of Transworld Commercial Real Estate Omaha, LLC serving the metropolitan Omaha-Council Bluffs area. He helps people buy and sell businesses, franchises and buildings as an experienced and trained Business Broker and Real Estate Broker.
John worked in farming and construction in his youth, earned Bachelor's and Master's Degrees from the University of Kansas, is technically certified in computer networking, and has completed extensive coursework in real estate with a 4.0 GPA. He has more than twenty years' experience in senior management positions, working with educators and businesses as a non-profit executive, manager and entrepreneur. Fullerton formerly served as Executive Director of the Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education, Administrative Manager for the Midwest Roofing Contractors Association, Executive Vice President for the National Frame Building Association, President of Heartland Perma-Column (a company he started by himself and later sold), Manager of Astro Buildings, Inc. and serves as President of Ad Infinitum Limited Co.
John is dedicated to helping buyers find the right business or franchise for their future, and helping those with mature businesses find the right buyers. He also enjoys scuba diving, fishing, camping and Boy Scout and Girl Scout activities with his children. He and his wife, Traci, have three children and reside in Bellevue, Nebraska.
John Fullerton's Resume and Curriculum Vitae
Professional Summary
Innovative, visionary leader and creative thinker with an entrepreneurial spirit.
Career Objective
To lead and serve with wisdom and optimism in rewarding positions, so I may help others succeed.
Education (Elective studies in Economics, Statistics, Business, Journalism and Marketing)
- Nebraska Licensed Real Estate Agent/Broker Education - MCC Omaha
- Computer Technology Networking Specialist Certification - JCCC Overland Park
- Master of Arts, Latin American Studies - University of Kansas, Lawrence
- Bachelor of Arts, Sociology - University of Kansas, Lawrence
- Bachelor of Arts, Spanish - University of Kansas, Lawrence
- International Study in Belfast, Northern Ireland; Alicante, Spain; Guadalajara, Mexico
Special Skills
- Licensed Commercial Real Estate Agent
- Business Advisor
- Leadership, public speaking & instruction
- Facility, material & HR management
- Responsible for financial statements & organizational performance
- Presentation, writing & research skills
- Technical & promotional writing skills
- Sales growth & sales team supervision
- Marketing management
- Grant writing & fundraising
- Excellent mechanical & electronic aptitude
- Telecommunications & electronic diagnosis/repair
- Video production, writing & directing
- Computer hardware upgrade & repair
- Computer network administration
- Web site development & Programming
- Internet application implementation
- Publishing, layout & graphic design
- Database design/management
- Written/oral proficiency in Spanish & Portuguese
Work Experience
April 2017 to Present - Business Advisor, Transworld Business Advisors & Real Estate Agent, Transworld Commercial Real Estate
- Business Advisor / Business Analysis
- Sales of Businesses and Real Estate
- Franchise development consultation
- Marketing and communications
- Merger and Acquisition consultation
- Real Estate and Business Valuation
2015-2017 - General Manager, Astro Buildings div. of Cedar Creek Responsible for about 300 buildings & repairs annually
- Grew 2015 gross sales by $1 million compared to 2014 sales
- Sold/erected buildings/repairs/components
- Coordinated network of dealers
- Hired company crewmembers & staff
- Codified procedures
- Repaired dysfunctional accounting systems
- Established new marketing programs & applications
- Created database-enabled e-marketing program
- Web site Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google AdWords (SEM) & Social Media (SM) marketing
2009-2015 - President, Infinitum Limited Co. DBA Heartland Perma-Column Company I established
- Developed market from scratch, recruiting hundreds of lumberyard and builder dealers
- Developed business plan, raised capital, created company
- Responsible for sales, production, & distribution
- Established accounting systems, production procedures
- Recruited/trained/supervised workers
- Trade show exhibits/Sales presentations
- Created/implemented marketing strategies & E-newsletter program
- Created webs site, SEO, SEM & SM marketing
- Trained sales representatives at builder & lumberyard locations to sell products
- Forklift operator, packing, shipping, receiving
- 12 ton GVWR truck driver DOT/UCR compliance
- Authored peer-reviewed technical articles
- Educational presentations at events
1998-2009 - Association Executive, Knight Enterprises Manager of three respected organizations
1. Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education Executive Director
- Planned/organized all association activities
- Advocated for career and technical education in behalf of educators
- Internet-based advocacy campaigns
- Met elected officials, state & national levels
- Influenced policy / Secured new benefits
- Sold ads/booths/membership/events
- Doubled advertising & convention revenue
- Improved quality of association publications
- Created new web site
- Earned national recognition
- Regional publication awards
2. Midwest Roofing Contractors Association Administrative Manager
- Oversaw management of 23-state regional roofing contractor association
- Improved efficiency in delivery of member benefits & services
- Produced comprehensive Membership Directory, nominated for international award
- Revised nationally-acclaimed torch-applied roofing safety program
- Supervised manager of a comprehensive safety program
- Produced safety training videos
- English to Spanish safety translations
- Organized updates & overhauls of website
3. National Frame Building Association Executive Vice President
- Directed operations of national association serving builders, designers & suppliers
- Directed comprehensive overhaul of web site, added cutting-edge interactive features
- Produced monthly e-newsletter
- Published quarterly newsletter
- Authored / edited content for association's magazine (~23,000 readers)
- Created member recruitment programs
- Coordinated promotion, details of nationwide tradeshow
- Developed accreditation program & online training materials
- Directed, edited & produced videos for marketing & educational purposes
- Wrote and directed televised documentary for PBS that reached several million viewers
- Created & oversaw industry surveys
- Compiled first survey to measure the post-frame construction industry
- Acted as technical liaison, communicating technical initiatives to board and membership
- Coordinated technical activities of volunteers and technical, design and other contractors
- Raised funding & oversaw implementation of nationwide marketing plan to grow entire post-frame industry
- Created marketing strategies
- Wrote marketing materials
- Directed internal staff / outside contractors to conduct research / implement marketing efforts
For all associations:
- Organized & improved each association's annual convention & trade show
- Grew membership, event attendance, exhibitor participation and revenues
- Oversaw matters of finance & budget
- Created strategic plans & business plans
- Created marketing & event promo brochures
- Sold ads/exhibit space/membership/events
- Organized meetings for Board of Directors & Committees
- Acted as board / committee liaison
- Led & coordinated staff
- Implemented new benefits & services
- Improved design & content of publications
- Authored press releases, articles, brochures, ads & other promotions
1994-1997 - Volunteer Supervisor, Douglas County KS Court Appointed Special Advocate Program
- Supervised & trained volunteers for benefit of abused and neglected children
- Designed & maintained computer database
- Organized & interpreted statistical reports
- Wrote/published newsletter
- Authored/revised fundraising proposals
- Provided computer & other advice to staff
- Created website
Pre-Graduate Experience
- Inventory Manager/Customer Relations Specialist, Audio Video Services, Lawrence Kansas
- Video Production, Mid-West Media Inc., Lawrence, Kansas
- Teaching Assistant, Spanish Language, University of Kansas
- Teaching Assistant, Sociology Department, University of Kansas
- Library Assistant, Department for Spain, Portugal & Latin America, University of Kansas
- Bar Manager; graduate of International School of Professional Bartending
- Commercial and residential construction work, repair and restoration
- Farm worker, farm equipment operator, tractor safety certification
Honors, Scholarships and Community Involvement
- Gifted Program, Larned High School
- President of 100-member HS Choir
- Selected for "Beginnings" jazz/show choir
- Highest rating, state vocal music award
- Leading roles in high school & community theater productions
- Jordaan Foundation, University Scholarship
- Garvey Scholarship, Washburn University
- Wallace Scholarship, University of Kansas
- Study Abroad Scholarship, University of Kansas
- American Sociological Assn. Honor Society
- Kansas Film Festival award recipient
- National Association for Career & Technical Education "Outstanding Service to Career & Technical Education"
- Kansas Association for Career & Technical Education "Award of Merit"
- Served KU School of Pharmacy as Standardized Client Assessor, acting & teaching students
Work Product Samples
Spotlight On: Post Frame Buildings.
2005 Documentary
produced for the Public Broadcasting Service by the National Frame Building
Assn. (NFBA) written/directed by John Fullerton. https://youtu.be/Vj2ENwUevkc
The Post-Frame Advantage Handbook. 2008 120 pg. hard-bound full-color monograph written and edited by John Fullerton for the NFBA Post-Frame Market Initiative. https://astrobuildings.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/ThePost-FrameAdvantageHandbook.pdf
The Post-Frame Advantage. 2008 NFBA video demonstrating advantages of post frame construction, produced as part of the Post-Frame Market Initiative. https://youtu.be/jOkYsXF_Fiw
Post-Frame Design: Economical, Energy-Efficient and Eco-Friendly. Wood Design and Building magazine, Winter 2012. https://wooddesign.dgtlpub.com/2012/2012-02-29/home.php?page_view=35
Post-Frame: As Green as it Gets. Frame Building News, August 2009. https://buysellbusinessomaha.com/_files/200000016-561995619c/Post-Frame-As_Green_As_It_Gets_144-9.pdf
Thermal Imaging of Post Frame and Other Construction Methods. Peer-reviewed technical article, Frame Building News, August, 2013. https://files.h-p-c.webnode.com/200000306-98ee999e7a/Thermal_imaging_of_post_frame_FBN_article_by_John_Fullerton.pdf
Post-Frame Industry Survey Data and Analysis. NFBA reports on market size and growth for the Post-Frame Industry, 2003-2009.
The Post-Frame Advantage article series, Frame Building News, 2002-2007. Synopsis: https://www.constructionmagnet.com/frame-building-news/postframeplus